Sunday, December 16, 2012
Hello from the Saddest Place in the United States
It's very hard to write this post. I am sitting here in my warm cozy kitchen in the beautiful state of Connecticut. Came down from Cape Cod to do a book signing for my latest Baby Boomer mystery, Marriage Can Be Murder. Now, the title gives me chills as I think about the horrific events in Newtown CT, very close to where I am. Connecticut is a small state, and it is my home state. Many of my high school and college classmates are teachers. The connections are very strong. One of my best friends taught for many years with the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary School, who bravely confronted the gunman as he stormed into her school, intent on committing the most despicable act ever -- the murder of innocent children. She sacrificed her life for her kids, as did the brave 29-year-old kindergarten teacher who hid her entire class in closets and convinced the gunman that all her children were in the gymnasium. Her class was saved. She lost her life to protect her kids. The stories of heroism go on and on, as do the connections in this state.
The granddaughter of one of my closest friends was a student at that school. I spent all day Friday worrying and praying that she was all right, and i was afraid to call and find out. Yes, she is safe, thank God.
I'm leaving now to do a book signing for a humorous mystery involving a murder. And I'm wondering how funny it really is. Because my heart breaks for this country, and for the families in Newtown who have lost loved ones. When will this senseless violence stop?
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Are we ready to deal with this at last? Every time, there's a lot of talk and nothing changes... :-(
Susan, my heart goes out to you and to all those who lost loved ones in this terrible tragedy.
Vigils all over Connecticut for the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. At the Mass I attended in Fairfield yesterday, there were few dry eyes in the congregation as the priest spoke about the tragedy. And we ended the service by singing God Bless America. It reminded me very much of the Mass I attended on 9/11 in the same church. Hearing the names of the victims read aloud just broke my heart.
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