Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Resolutions

by Susan Santangelo

Happy Healthy 2012 to one and all. For me, the healthy part comes first, and then positive thoughts and happiness will follow. I hope.

My 8-year-old granddaughter, Rebecca, told me over the holidays that 2012 is the year for me to "get my sparkle on." Hmm. I wasn't quite sure what she meant by that. More sequins? Rhinestones? Perhaps wearing a tiara now and then?

Well, why not?? Each day is, after all, a celebration and, as the old saying goes, that's why it's called the present.

I've chosen to apply my wise granddaughter's advice to my writing rather than my wardrobe. I've vowed that 2012 is the year my writing will sparkle. I will finish Book 3 in the Baby Boomer mysteries and even start cracking on Book 4.

And, what the heck, I may borrow one of Rebecca's tiaras to wear while I write. It couldn't hurt.


Harvee44 said...

I agree that health comes with happiness and well being. Wonderful resolutions for 2012! Have fun in the new year!

Susan Santangelo said...

Can't believe I forgot that the unconditional love of dogs sure helps too! Tucker and Boomer will never forgive me. Until dinnertime, that is.

Juanita Olson said...

Love the tiara idea. Wearing one may brighten a gloomy day when your chracters are not behaving.

Susan Santangelo said...

I'll have to remember that, Juanita. Right now, they're going off in a whole new direction and I'm having trouble keeping up with them!

Jaden Terrell said...

Dogs, definitely dogs.

Though if you've ever read THE SWEET POTATO QUEENS' BOOK OF LOVE, you know that every woman should have--and wear--a tiara.