Have you ever been addicted to a program you hate? I know, that makes no sense. If one has an injection phobia, does one volunteer to give blood weekly?
I have a hard time explaining to people why I used to be addicted to the PTL Club and why I now record and watch some of the Jim Bakker shows. But the explanation is simple: Bakker is so outrageous, I just cannot turn him off. First with PTL, Jim was selling partnerships in Heritage USA, a huge family oriented ― or so it was claimed ― project, now in ruins. Now it's Morningside, which I predict will be in ruins in a few years.
Heritage was fraudulent, and rubble is often what happens to hopes and dreams that are based upon fraudulent claims.
Morningside? Tune in and you be the judge.
Jim’s good at selling. He lays down a façade of ministry, a cover, when what’s really going on is a sleazy sales pitch. After an eight year stint in federal prison ― it would have been much longer but his appeal resulted in a reduced sentence ― Jim’s back doing what he did before, selling what looks to be cheaply made condos under cover of providing a religious program. It’s called the Jim Bakker Show, and this time, instead of the now deceased Tammy Faye to laugh at, we have Jim’s wife, Lori, a busty blonde with a lurid past, and a brain that might fill a thimble.
This time, Jim’s selling units at Morningside, a five hundred sixty acre development in Branson, MO, owned by his friend Jerry Crawford. Jerry brought Jim and Lori out and put him up and on the air, so Jim could sell his cheap Bibles, tiny swords, Jesus pictures, “partnerships” and CDs at inflated “Love Gift” prices, and so Jim could spend most of his programming hour pushing Morningside units.
My wife and I were in Branson, and we drove by the complex. We laughed out loud. The “village” had a roof, a big one. Long, black I-beams provided a three story structure that stretched for several hundred yards. So what now looks like a strip mall is Jim’s Village of Morningside, which is nothing more than a television set, a few shops selling trinkets and plastic or coated religious stuff at inflated prices, a bakery, a general store, maybe something of a restaurant, and of course condos, apartments, a hotel and building sites. If you want to watch the Jim Bakker Show from the tiny balcony of your postage stamp condo, one or two stories above a fake street, you’d like Morningside.
I’m sorry, but Jim’s show is so outrageous, I just cannot turn it off. So I watch, angry, cussing, seething inside at all the old people ― the group Jim’s always victimized ― who fall for his blather.
And you should see Jim beg. He’s got all the tools. I don’t think a show goes by where Jim doesn’t cry. Or pretend to do so. Jim’s lip will quiver, and he’ll talk about how much money he needs to do one more program, and then he’ll beg. And after the beg, comes the threat, that God won’t like you if you don’t support Jim’s church. And Lori just nods, a hollow look in her eyes, like someone’s just reached in and scooped out her brains.
It’s better to give than receive, you know? So says Jim, as he encourages everyone to feel good about themselves by giving to his ministry.
Oh sure, Jim mentions Jesus once in a while, usually in a loud, practiced stretch-syllable Southern Baptist way, like speaking the name Itself will provide enlightenment and salve all his sins. “Yes,” he’ll say, “Jeeeeeezzz-us loves us,” as if this makes the sales pitch a holy one.
But while the guy can sell, he’s not very smart. Jim’s a preacher, right? I thought it was enlightening, and not particularly bright, when Jim said during one sales pitch that he’d never read the Bible until he was sent to prison.
Huh? Never read the Bible? Then what was PTL all about? You don’t think PTL was just a money grab, do you?
Of course it was. And so is Morningside and the Jim Bakker Show.
Recently, Jim announced that Jerry Crawford, the Morningside developer, had called him in to say development [read sales] was slowing, that Crawford would have to forgo a promised million dollar payment to Bakker. Jim took the high road, at least he appeared to, and instructed folks on the need to be altruistic. Then he asked for special love gifts.
C’mon, you knew that was coming.
And Lori’s a peach, too. Tammy Faye, at least, could sing, and her eye makeup was always entertaining. But Lori just sits there and makes inane comments, comments that are so right field that Jim turns and stares at her, as if he’s a catcher and the pitcher just rolled the ball to home plate.
No, Lori doesn’t have much to say, but that doesn’t stop her from saying it. She’ll say something like, “Oh, Jim, everyone should know that God is always with us.” And Jim will turn, and he’ll stare.
Like me. I’m dumb-struck, too.
But then they’ll talk about Lori. Jim loves bringing up Lori’s sordid past: how she was addicted to any number of drugs; how she slept around, trading sex for drugs; that she had a number of abortions. And Lori will sit and nod and grin.
This is great soap opera.
My wife thinks I’m nuts to watch this stuff, and of course she’s right. But my sister watches Nancy Grace, just because she finds Nancy Grace so irritating. And it’s the same with me. I cannot stand what Jim Bakker does. I think the guy is a crook, and that he’s bilking little old ladies. And he infuriates me so, I have to watch his show a couple time a week. That’s how mad he makes me.
I mean the show is so obvious. How could anybody be fooled? If there’s any mention of the Bible or Jesus at all, it’s usually connected to a pitch for money. The Bible says we must support the church; Jesus wants our support, he needs our support, and Jim needs our money to spread this message.
It should come as no surprise that The Jim Bakker Show has almost no audience. It’s on at various times during the wee morning hours, at about the time teenagers are painting the old water tower. In fact, when I tell people that Jim Bakker is back on the air doing the same old thing, they’re shocked.
But Jim looks good. He’s had so much plastic surgery, he looks about forty-five, although his face has that certain smooth and shiny plastic texture that comes with having skin stretched too tight across facial bones. I can’t tell if Lori’s had plastic surgery. I can’t get past her lipstick. With Tammy Faye, it was the eyes one laughed at. With Lori, it’s the wind blowing through her ears and the spooky high gloss clowny lipstick.

Despite the title of Jim’s book, it’s apparent from comments Jim's made that he doesn’t think he did anything wrong at Heritage USA, and that he was persecuted by those who were jealous of his success. And to prove his point, Jim’s doing many of the same things he did before. Just no Jessica Hahn this time, at least not yet.
I mean, the gall of this guy.
And that, my friends, is why I watch. I just cannot believe the ever-loving gall. The mystery is how Jim Bakker gets away with it, over and over again.
I couldn't agree with you more, Ben, but he's not the only "religious" scalper on the airways victimizing not only the elderly but those with the I.Q. of our present oval office occupant.
That happens to me and my husband, too. Some shows are just so outrageous,I watch them out of curiosity.
Good for you Jim, educating or exposing or musing for the benefit of others--whatever you choose to call it--on the poisonous and the irredeemable cloaked in whatever costume. I feel strongly about the misuses of religion. In fact, organized religion by and large has so much wrong to answer for, but that's another subject. Isn't this subject ripe for the mystery genre, again?
Thank you, Rebecca. I find most of these television preachers offensive, especially Bakker, Benny Hin and Robert Tilton. BTW, folks, this Rebecca is not the Rebecca to whom I'm married.
Oops, I posted the above under my wife's account. She's been using my computer, and I forgot to check what account I was using. Hmmm, wonder if she's got any interesting mail...
If you don't hear from me soon, she's shot me.
Ernest Angley was my guilty pleasure. He always reminded me of a cross between Gomer Pyle and Truman Capote.
"Can you say baby?"
Jim Bakker Show 417-779-9000 or 888)715-5664 http://www.jimbakkershow.com/
lori@jimbakkershow.com, lori.bakker@jimbakkershow.com, jim@jimbakkershow.com,jim.bakker@jimbakkershow.com
Now that was a hoot! Thank you.
He is staring a MASTER'S COMISSION with really nothing to offer these young people coming to Morningside. He wants to replace all his low paid workers with these young people, THEY will be paying $8000 to stay there for a few months. But Of course he will still get his over $100K a YEAR
There is no end to this guy's gall. And I betcha he's getting a cut on Morningside sales, too. What a con man! Let's hope he's returned to where he belongs: jail.
Hi, I'm Suzy. We're retired and just returned from seeing Morningside IN THE RAIN.
I thought it was very pretty and different but it seemed cheaply built. My husband, grandson and I went inside and we were the only ones looking around. This really surprised me. This lady said we just missed being in the audience which made me ill . I was dying to see it. We saw Ricky Bakker too; he looked at my grandson. Ricky is so cute; much darker complected than on tv. He was getting a drink with 2 friends. The piano player waved at me. He's nice. Do I trust Bakker? Not really. I do believe people can change and I do believe Jim and Lori are trying to do good things in this world. After all, Jim adopted five South American kids she loved. How many men would do that? Hmm? Masters' Commission would be much better than living a life of crime. You guys don't want to say anything nice at all about the Bakker's like they're the Devil incarnate. I have not sent him a dime. I don't appreciate the Fake Crying Jim does that Lori has begun doing too. Oh, puleez. But I wouldn't mind taking our RV out there during the summer when the park is open. My grandson could play with Ricky and I could go to the shows. Give the guy some compassion; have You spent 7 years in prison? I think the place may turn out to be loads of fun. But I wouldn't look to it as a ticket to Heaven. Robbers could break into that so-called "huge storage building" and ripoff all that dehydrated food in no time. Suzy
Have any of you read the bible? Do any of you know what being nonjudgmental is? Instead of throwing some more dirt, I'd take a long look at myself. I'm not perfect and as I pray for you I will pray still for Jim and his family to be loving and ask forgivnesss for their past mistakes. I thought that's what being a christian is all about... FORGIVING OTHERS as Christ forgave us. Be careful for one day you too will be standing in front of your creator and I will pray we will all be happy and joyful as we live in harmony. Please repent and ask for forgiveness. I love you all, and forgive you because we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
He that is without sin, cast the first stone at Jim and Lori. Look back over your own life and tell me you have not stood in need of forgiveness and a new start. Come on people. Don't just others by your own narrow thinking. Let people make up their own minds and believe how they choose to belive! Even God does that! I never appreciate the condenming comments that supposes everybody thinks as narrow-minded as you. Venting!
Jim Bakker is a phoney baloney,obnoxious creature ...how gullable does he think people are ? He will get his, no worries ... he is the goat category and it is the SHEEP the bible says Jesus will keep, not the goats ! 5 minutes of watching his "show" severly encourages vomiting from where I am sitting. Lori is a brainless cheesecake patsy who has never learned the definition of "Abuse" ... Bakker dumbs her down and interrupts here while she blabbermouthes away on national television .. what a nice couple eh ? But the most irking thing on their how is grossly obese Kevin with the personality of a 5 year old and the brain of an animal cracker. Like Lori, Kevin gorges himself on being a footsoldier to "King Jim" and I have wondered if got as fat as he is by remaining in the same bent over position kissing Bakker's blessed assurance for who knows how long ! Bakker's mother in law though, she is onto this geek - her dislike of him is as obvious as night comes after day, Bakker does some serious bleep kissing himself on this lady ! His "adopted" 7 ? kids are TAX DEDUCTIONS he can LEGALLY use for his own $-benefit, God have mercy on those kids who are living in one hell of a freakshow that Bakker calls his "family" ! Wait until Jesus steps out of these clouds and hears Bakker's "jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezes" calls, Jesus will say something like "ah excuse me, what did you say your name was again ?" ... LOL ... I can hear Bakker now saying "Jesus, I have some 'get prepared' freeze dried for you when Jesus might answer: "Uh, man does not live on freeze dried food, no thanks and what again did you say your name was" .... LOL ... as many are angered, disgusted with and are fed up with Bakker, he is a laughable freakshow, supported by the air time developer Crawford buys for him from another crook: Bob D'Andrea who owns 14 TV stations and keeps right on fleezing viewers for money with his "telethons" and totally unbearable cats like a Herman Bailey with his cheesecake patsy wife sharon with their books/cds/cosmetic/2nd hand musicians store ! OH how good it feels to aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir about these grotesque 'personalities' who pass themselves off as candy a.. christians ... even so, come Lord Jesus - anytime at all !
Thanks for reading, onto-all-of-it Smart alec" ;)
Jim Bakker is a phoney baloney,obnoxious creature ...how gullable does he think people are ? He will get his, no worries ... he is the goat category and it is the SHEEP the bible says Jesus will keep, not the goats ! 5 minutes of watching his "show" severly encourages vomiting from where I am sitting. Lori is a brainless cheesecake patsy who has never learned the definition of "Abuse" ... Bakker dumbs her down and interrupts here while she blabbermouthes away on national television .. what a nice couple eh ? But the most irking thing on their how is grossly obese Kevin with the personality of a 5 year old and the brain of an animal cracker. Like Lori, Kevin gorges himself on being a footsoldier to "King Jim" and I have wondered if got as fat as he is by remaining in the same bent over position kissing Bakker's blessed assurance for who knows how long ! Bakker's mother in law though, she is onto this geek - her dislike of him is as obvious as night comes after day, Bakker does some serious bleep kissing himself on this lady ! His "adopted" 7 ? kids are TAX DEDUCTIONS he can LEGALLY use for his own $-benefit, God have mercy on those kids who are living in one hell of a freakshow that Bakker calls his "family" ! Wait until Jesus steps out of these clouds and hears Bakker's "jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezes" calls, Jesus will say something like "ah excuse me, what did you say your name was again ?" ... LOL ... I can hear Bakker now saying "Jesus, I have some 'get prepared' freeze dried for you when Jesus might answer: "Uh, man does not live on freeze dried food, no thanks and what again did you say your name was" .... LOL ... as many who are angered, disgusted with and are fed up with Bakker, he is a grotesque, laughable freakshow, supported by the air time developer Crawford buys for him from another crook: Bob D'Andrea of CTN who owns 14 TV stations and keeps right on fleecing viewers for more money with his "telethons" and totally unbearable, irritable cats like a Herman Bailey with his cheesecake patsy wife sharon with their books/cds/cosmetic/2nd hand musicians run store ! OH how good it feels to aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir about these grotesque 'personalities' who pass themselves off as goodie goodie christians ... even so, come Lord Jesus - anytime at all !
Thanks for reading:)
"onto-all-of-it Smart alec" ;)
You should read how my good friends were judged and condeamed out there and these are people that are down to earth good people that have been through a lot of hard knocks in their lives. They go were ever there is a need for music even in homes. Due to the treatment that they received out there at Jim Bakker Show they have vowed to Never go in to Televised Type Ministries where they can be abused again.
It is under Betty Boop ls blog.
Oh and for you that ar bringing up the judgemental thing. Jim, Kevin, Dennis, Jerry and MORE have judged my friends not even giving showing ONE OUNCE OF RESPECT OR GRACE.
They are being judged because they are judging real people that God LOVES!
Just read what the did tothese people! It is listed under Betty Boop Blog
I lived in the apartments that Jerry Crawford built at Morningside. I was told that there was always something to do there, concerts, movies, etc. So I moved across the country and arrived there.
At first it was all right. I began attending shows,concerts (which the people living there do not do, neither do Jim and Lori). I attended church services.
After a few weeks a member of my family got a job there. They worked hard and spent as much as 14 to 16 hours a day. This family member had worked for Jim before.
In the mean time I wondered why the people in the apartments did not attend any functions there. So I began asking questions. I was told it was not what they had been told it would be. So I observed.
My family member had purchased a a business in the area while employed at Morningside. They were told that they were being fired and the restaurant shut down because they had other employment. Jerry Crawford is the person who fired them. When they told him they had no intention of quitting the job at MS they were terminated. Crawford thought that they could not do 2 things at once. Jim Bakker and Lori had this persons cell phone number. Not once did he call them to say anything. Jim Bakker was teaching on love and how we are our brothers keeper. He was the shepherd of the flock and not once did he say anything. Rumors and lies started by the staff at MS as to why this person was fired. All Lies I could not believe that a pastor would let this go on. Why did he not speak up and tell the truth. If it had been about his family he would have aired it on TV.
Jim has security at MS. They have a old police car. Dave is the security person who was in the restaurant when Jerry Crawford closed it. He asked for the money in the cash register to be given to him. The person who was manager took the money home and waited for Monday to come to give it to their boss. They money was given to Wayne.So Dave started the lie of money being stolen. It was spread to Kevin Shorey and his mother Chris. And they told everyone at Ms not to come to the place that had been purchased by my family member to eat.
I could not believe the lies that started and still continue from these Christians.I was devastated. I went to one more service the following Sunday.The restaurant was open. Their daughter Nena's godparents had moved to MS from Florida she had attended Masters Comission there and stayed with them.Bob had been talking to Jerry Crawford and was going to be the new volunteer manager of the restaurant. Also Jim's former son in law was going to be employed there. He had came there because his son was in masters. He still works there.
We moved out of state as far away from them as I could get. I now look at the shows and see how fear is used to manipulate people to purchasing their products to keep them on the air.
Don't get me wrong I pray for them daily.Do not waste your time on going there. It is a lie that is hidden from the cameras. Do not believe what they say.
Excellent post Ben, hilarious! Much like you, I can't take my eyes off Jim Bakker and all his sleazy pals. In fact, I just started my own weekly coverage of the shenanigans occurring on The Jim Bakker Show in case anyone here is interested: The Jim Bakker Foodbucket Fanpage
I've also linked to you as you appear to be the true trailblazer here with respect to Jim and Lori Bakker criticism. Bravo sir!
I can't help watching the new Jim Bakker show he is such a train wreck. In the back of my mind I can only hope that older people are not sending what little money they have
Old people ARE sending their last penny so that he can build a pool house and a buy an$300,000 home by the lake behind the name of the ministry. thatsbhownhe keeps it hidden from the IRS.. It's all in the ministry or his mother in laws name. Seems so horrible.mi wonderif anyone will stop him.? IRS should be checking the books on this non for profit ministry. I promise they will find lots of profit there for Jim and lori Bakker hidden behind ministry cost.should at least have their non for profit status taken away...
Back in the day (early 1980s) I was a follower of Guru Jesus Christ Lightening Amen.
They put him in prison for much the same reasons as Jim Bakker.
Lightening Amen was given forty years of which he served five and was released. He continued his same practices such as Jim Bakker does. I knew Jesus Christ Lightening Amen and knew what they had him do as terms to get out of prison.
He was to continue his ministery with the help of the CIA branch that would assist him with perform ing miracles with prophecies of things to come.
Jesus Christ Lightening Amen did not please them nor do as he was instructed and was later charged with crimes against children but before he went back to jail the Lord laid him to rest at the age of 73.
Jim Bakker is still a prisoner in his own fancy prison, preaching exactly what he is told and selling (not to support his ministry, but to get the names and partnerships of gullible Christians for government control.
When these things happen, those who have laid by in store will be arrested, their goods confiscated and their stored supplies distributed and supplied to a hungry public.
The government knows exactly what they are doing.
The people are like "sheeple" when they gather by the steeple. The gullible public continues to support and follow corrupt religious leaders (and our corrupt government leaders) even after scandal and bad performance. Democracy has now become a "demockary."
Many so-called "Men of God" are just men of fraud! These preachers are "playing God" and not worshiping God. In God we trust, in men we should question! Oral Roberts' "900 ft Jesus" was nothing but a "tall tale!" Jimmy Swaggart was "porn" again!
Its been said, "Jesus threw them out of the temple 2,000 years ago, but since then, they have found a way to sneak back in!" Fortunately, when Jesus come again, he will throw them out again!
I wasn't going to do this and I have never blogged in my life. Thank you for reading this. but through chance I happened to run across all of these hateful remarks and had to comment. I so don't know how to blog that is taken me this long - like 30 minutes - to get this in. Not sure if many of you critics have ever read "touch not God's anointed." I think that unless you know for absolutely certain because God told you personally - that He has NOTanointed Mr. Bakker to do what he is doing, then I would be careful about criticizing. And you must not think much of the older people because you must think they can't think for themselves and what they want to do with their money. Proceed with caution, friends, unless God has spoken to you personally, which I highly doubt he would have about someone else's life. I would tread lightly. I understand having a vision. It sounds like you may have lost yours . Get it back! God has a plan for you too! These are just plain hateful comments. And Jesus is sadened I'm sure. They are personal attacks that have nothing to do with behavior. They are rude, hateful and sophomoric- no, childish comments about facial expressions, looks, and lipstick for pete's sake. Really? I mean really?? What are we in grade school or junior high? Grow up church! Why be hateful? There's no love in that . Be careful of the seeds you are sowing especially in this late hour. I have found that when people don't understand something they criticize. They sure do it when they're not doing anything else worthwhile they criticize. When they are jealous they criticize. When they fear something they criticize. Your building will not be any taller by tearing someone elses down. If you're fat and you go lay down to suntan beside someone bigger than you it won't make you skinny. He's trying to do something. What's it to you ? What are YOU doing? That is more than most people do. And how many people are on the dole from the government now with no other vision whatsoever except to get some more free stuff. Criticize the government for fleecing us, the taxpayers, who are paying for that! It sounds like you're criticizing him when we are we talking about something so much more important like witnessing to people before Jesus does come. At least he's making an effort which is more than I can say for a lot of people believe me I know. I see them every week . It is just my opinion of course, but it seems that the haters are more pathological than the "fleecers" If people want to spend their money on it why object? Why do you think you're getting ripped off? Why do you think they're getting fleeced? Maybe they are volunteering! Give folks a little credit as there are FAR MORE serious and lethal ways to lose your money, such as say, the casino... Read Matthew 22---RACA. Look it up.. God will use anybody and anything to get the message across, even speaking through a donkey as in the old. If but one soul is saved through all of this then it was worth it. Those who gave to Heritage or those who give to Jim Bakker ministries should be giving to God. That's a heart issue with the giver. It is God who will judge him for what he did or did not do. God will judge, not you. If you need to vent get a therapist. I am a forensic psychiatrist and these hateful commentaries are as much or more pathological than anything he's doing... Dr M
Jim and Lorie is in the slave trade business. They built a house called Lorie's House
who houses teenage girls and they are forced to give up their babies for room and board
and Jim and Lorie through a third party adopt these children out for profit. Yet they stand on their Christian values of allowing women to have these children in order to make a profit from each and every vulnerable women that enter their House Of Baal. They are the terrorists. They preach against abortions, but
They have the same mindset of Isis, and slavery, and the haloghust
Give it up Jim and your lofty wife you have been warned thus saith the Lord. No where to hide!
Jim should be incarcerated in Hell fire! He started this evil televangelists TV
PTL network with his greedy wife Tammy Bakker. She died and then he remarried another
greedy wife Lorie Baker, who aborted 5 children up until the age of 22 years old. I am not judging her decisions about her children, I know that she asked for forgiveness;
However, she is living Vicariously through young vulnerable women who are in need of taking care of their babies without their father. Jim Bakker set up Lorie's House for
the sole purpose of making a profit of selling babies to people who cannot conceive
A child or children. They are not just selling products of all things, but babies, such
as little Baby Daniel, and his mother does hsve the time bond not having authority over him. " Vengeance is mine, I shall repay, thus saith, the Lord! Repent because you have been exposed!
Jim Baker's greed is the root of all evil! He will be took off the air real soon. He will
Not survive the tribulation. The church will be raptured, but Jim and his dead prophets
will be in the Tribulation. They will be left behind. The True Church will be raptured
before the tribulation, which His Bride.
Jim Hammer warns us that we should stock up on freeze dried food for 7 years of tribulation. When Jesus spoke about the tribulation in Matthew 24:21 he was talking about Israel. He was not talking about America. America is not cursed, but the government systems are cursed. God blessed this land! Donald Trump was put in this race for a reason. God does not wish for anyone to perish. Donald Trump will be the last President before the Rapture. I am a pre-tribulation believer. Jim Hammer and his false prophets and his greedy wife will be left behind, so that had better save up all the food they can because they will not make it out if here because of their deception and apostasy. Isis will take over America if Donald Trump isn't elected.
I gotta say that I will watch Jim a few times a week. I see him as my old senile Grandpa. You love him but everything that comes out of his mouth is nonsense. It is like taking care of him so he doesn't hurt himself type of thing.
Jim has gotten worse in the past year of 2016. He is pushing more and more false teachers and getting on the Prophets bandwagon.
I follow him on twitter and I noticed that much of the tweets are focused toward the Prophets. When I first followed him I asked questions and I got replies back on Twitter pretty fast. I was surprised but then that changed and now I get no response back. I even try to ask very basic questions like what is the population of Morningside now. No answer.
I really do wonder if Jim is in the process of becoming a cult leader. I wonder if he is an authoritarian at Morningside?
I gotta say that I will watch Jim a few times a week. I see him as my old senile Grandpa. You love him but everything that comes out of his mouth is nonsense. It is like taking care of him so he doesn't hurt himself type of thing.
Jim has gotten worse in the past year of 2016. He is pushing more and more false teachers and getting on the Prophets bandwagon.
I follow him on twitter and I noticed that much of the tweets are focused toward the Prophets. When I first followed him I asked questions and I got replies back on Twitter pretty fast. I was surprised but then that changed and now I get no response back. I even try to ask very basic questions like what is the population of Morningside now. No answer.
I really do wonder if Jim is in the process of becoming a cult leader. I wonder if he is an authoritarian at Morningside?
Thank you so much. My sisters and I are gathered in chicago for a our birthday celebration. We've had a greal day - fabulous!! - but nothing beats reading your article. We haven't laughed this hard in ages. So many lines had to be read and reread, they were so funny. Thank you so much.
Yeah, I can't stop watching either. What is that saying about a train wreck...? ;)
I remember PTL from years ago, before Bakker went to prison. At that time, he believed in the Pre-Tribulation rapture, and even had videos made to help the people who would be "left behind". I don't remember how much he charged for them.
When he was in prison, he says he studied Revelation and concluded that he had been wrong about Pre-Tribulation rapture, and that the Rapture would occur either during or after the Tribulation, which is why he is telling people to stock up on survival food and supplies, since they won't be raptured before the Tribulation. He also concluded that he was wrong to preach the "prosperity gospel", for the same reason. However, he still seems to endorse others who do preach the prosperity gospel, so I am not sure what is going on there. He has brought back the acronym PTL, but changed it to stand for "Prophets Talking Loud" rather than "Praise the Lord". It seems like just about every guest who now appears on his show is someone he designates as a "prophet." He has compared Trump favorably to King David and to the Apostle Simon Peter, and insists that Trump is anointed by God to be President.
Lately his daughter Tammy Sue has been on the show doing fund raisers to help keep the show on the air.
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