by June Shaw
"We'd like to write a book with you," my two teen granddaughters told me.
"Do y'all just want money, or do you really want to write a book?"
"No, it would be fun to write a book. That's what we'd like to do."
Hmm, they were fourteen and sixteen and both avid readers, although the older sister had gotten much more involved in extra-curricular activities. We thought about what we might write. They both really enjoyed The Hunger Games. So did I, so we decided we would create that type novel.
Since they were in school and taking part in various sports, dancing and gymnastics, I did most of the writing. I asked for lots of input from them about things like different sports, characters, descriptions.... Often I'd get in a jam and ask what might happen next, or how could the character get out of that situation, or what might happen that's even worse than the previous one. How great it was to get responses from sweet young ladies who have read widely.
Now it's finally happened. They are published authors! Our science fiction JUST ONE FRIEND takes place after warfare has destroyed most of the country. Since only one area is known where life can exist, the leader decreed that each person is only allowed to have one friend. A teenage girl believes things should be otherwise.
Our novel is available for e-readers and in print. We are really proud of our work. I am one proud grandmother.
I forgot the link:
Being a grandmother means... well, sometimes I forget something. In this case I forgot to add a link for people who might want to learn more about the book I wrote with my granddaughters -- or possibly order it. They'd love you forever for doing that.
On Amazon JUST ONE FRIEND is here:

What a wonderful thing to happen. Congratulations to all three of you. My own experience of this wasn't quitw the same. 2 of my granddaughters used to come into our bed in the mornings when we visited them (any time from 6 onwards!) and demand a new story. This was when they about 6 and 4. Their contributions were the questions they'd ask about the characters which forced me to fill them out. I now have 9 stories about a misanthropic fairy called Stanley Henderson just waiting for an illustrator and the elder granddaughter is in her teens.
What fun to write with your granddaughters, June. Congratulations!
Oh, fun, Bill. The teen girls' younger sister had me write a book with her sometime back. It's HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR PET GHOST. She made a bit of money from it.
Thanks, Jean. Yes, it's been fun and also exciting to have them want to write a book.
This is so wonderful, June, Congratulations! Here's wishing your very special team a huge success.
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