Saturday, May 12, 2012
Do You Follow or Write Blogs?
Many authors now create blogs. Some write their own daily blogs. Some write one whenever they feel like doing it. Many others get together, like we do, to write a group blog. That's what I like best. I once tried to create my own blog but had no idea what to say on it every day and definitely had no time to write in it daily. As it was, I was struggling to write lots more words on my novel-in-progress. Besides, how many people were interested in what I came up with every day? How many of them followed me? Was I willing to lose time I could have used writing novels to think of posts to write for possible readers every day?
Goodness no. Thus I was thrilled when I was invited to join this wonderful group of authors.
I post to the blog twice a month unless I forget or someting comes up, and nobody asks any more of me. It took me awhile to learn how to get my posts up at the right time--and still, no one fussed at me.
And you know what I learned? I have been so blessed to be able to join a most talented group of mystery authors. I've only met one or two of them, although I hope to change that, and I really enjoy reading their work.
I follow the blogs of just a few groups of authors. How about you? Do you blog? Do you do it with a group, or by yourself? How do you think up topics? And do you follow the blogs of others? Tell us all about you and your interests. Thanks! June
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Too much time on blogs and social media sites can rob you of your novel writing time. Group blogs not only offer a variety of great pieces, they don't demand too much time from the participating authors.
I agree, Mark. Also, I'd like to apologize to everyone. I don't write my post as one long paragraph.
June, I'm glad I'm not the only one who forgets.
I like the group blog--and our fellow bloggers an amazing group of people. Accomplished authors AND well-traveled.
By the way, I do follow some other blogs, and my agent has encouraged me to start one of my own, but I can't think of enough to say!
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