Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Christmas Wish

Christmas is upon us. Glory to God in the highest. Peace on Earth is my Christmas wish to everyone, regardless of their religion. Over the past two weeks I have traveled halfway around the world and back and have seen frantic shoppers everywhere trying to make last minute preparations for their family celebrations. As the hours fly by, it's easy to forget the significance of this holiday. The birth of Christianity. The Son of God, delivered to us. I'm not the most religious person on the planet, but the principles that came with Christ's birth apply to everyone in everyday life, not just at Christmas. If we learn to respect one another, to accept each other with all of our faults and differences, then peace on Earth is possible. During this holiday season, take a moment to tell everyone you know how much they mean to you, and enjoy the blessings that have been sent your way. I speak for all of us on the Musings staff when I say, have a very Merry Christmas.


Jean Henry Mead said...

Merry CHRISTmas, Mark, and all our blog members and visitors. I echo your sentiments. If only the Chritsmas spirit would remain intact all year round, this would be a much better planet.

Carola Dunn said...

Read this article with its positive report about peace in the world :-)

Jaden Terrell said...

You are so right, Mark.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, everyone.