Saturday, January 10, 2015


by June Shaw

A whole new year was given to us. Most of us have choices with what we do with it. Those of us in the writing profession normally need to decide how we will use our time. Will we devote a certain amount of time each day or week to writing?

Will we piddle away time we could spend writing doing other tasks--like checking email, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other online place that steal our minutes and hours? Or will we make a decision that we'll spend our time wisely?

Will you start something new?

Will you complete a book, join a critique group, polish work you've completed, and send it out?

Or will you let the new days and months given to you slip away as you may have done in years past?

How about making a decision? You can call it a resolution or not, maybe just a goal. You will write every for a certain amount of time--before you check social media. You will complete your work-in-progress by a certain time and then get readers. Or affirm that you'll get something published in 2015, no matter what.

I'd love to know what you are deciding to do to get your work out there more this year.

Best of luck!


  1. June, social media is a big problem for me, which eats away at my writing time. I try for five pages of copy a day and sometimes exceed that amount, but I've switched from writing in the early morning hours to after lunch. My morning hours are spent answering email, social media, blogging and guest blogging. My New Year's resolution should have been to return to morning writing.

  2. Very familiar feelings, June. I tend to find that the time-wasting on social media is so corrosive that I need to make resolutions all the year round to change the way I do things. The trouble is that routines are so comforting. But when they get in the way of being productive, they really need to be changed.
