Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Birthday, Chester Campbell!


  1. Yes, Chester.

    I hope you had a very happy birthday!

  2. And many happy returns of the day, Chester!

    Playing catch-up here -- I thoroughly enjoyed your memories of visiting the Holy Land. I went to your web site and re-read the first 2 chapters of SECRET OF THE SCROLL, and enjoyed them twice as much now, knowing where they came from

  3. Thanks, Jean, Beth and Pat for the birthday wishes. Sarah's newest great-grandson was born on my birthday last year. We went to his first birthday party yesterday and Sarah's daughter had a cake for me, too. Had a great day!

  4. Happy birthday, Chester. Had no idea yesterday was such a special day. Hope yours was wonderful. Sounds like you made a great day of it, and that you took some time from your marvelous books to enjoy yourself.

    I wish you many, many more, my friend.
